Sunday, May 6


Before I begin, I must mention that I will probably not start blogging frequently again just yet as I will be very busy for the next four months with my real time systems class. I'm just updating for the sake of not making my blog appear dead. So yes, this blog is not dead, but it is going to be quiet for an indefinite amount of time over the next four months. I will hopefully get back into it once I'm working full time after school is finished.

So what's been happening? Mostly school. Not much else. Got a Microsoft interview coming up. I'd like to live near Seattle or Vancouver for a few years once I'm out of school, so hopefully I can get this Microsoft job for an easy in to the Seattle area. I'd like to live out there because I want to experience the hype of the West Coast, and also to get away from Toronto. Plus I'm not the type to go off on my own, completely by myself, to a new city, and there will be lot of friends I know living in the Seattle and Vancouver areas.

Thats probably the only major thing I've got going on right now. School is still going strong, but its my last term, and there's lots to do and wrap up. Lots of tedious errands to attend to, like getting my grad photo, submitting plan change and intent to graduate forms, etc.

I suppose I'll end this blog by commenting that the Spider-man 3 movie sucked big time. Few parts were cool and enjoyable, and fewer still were done really well. Sandman was really weak, but we all knew that'd be the case when they announced that he was the next villain. The movie was overly cheesy, and all over the place. You should still go see it for completeness though. Eh, whatever. I'm disappointed but I'm moving on.

Good day!

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