Wednesday, October 11

From Scratch

New beginning. Pritesh's recently publicized opinion on Xanga mixed with his switch to Blogger convinced me to switch as well. I'm not sure what it is about Xanga that has made us switch. Probably the clutteriness of its look. Too much going on. Here's to a new start!

Also, originally I made the title
Undeclared variable: $iwjh$, but Undeclared Variable by itself has a ring to it, so I stuck with that. Think that title sucks? Too bad, I'm a programmer. C2065 that shit*.

* I know, I know, C2065** is undeclared identifier. Undeclared variable sounds better.
** For those of you not in the know, C2065 is a Microsoft C++ Compiler error code.


Robert said...

lobut says moo

Anonymous said...

WTF? You crazy fucker with your stupid programming jargon for stupid heads. But hey, now I can make drunken drugged out posts that I regret later, right?

Anonymous said...

You smell
like poo
poo that smells
it doesn't smell like poo though
it smells worse
worse than poo
like, uh, dandillions

Anonymous said...

The title of your blog is way too geeky. You should change it to "Tits, ass, and generally just chasing snatch"

Anonymous said...

See how many more comments you get with anonymous posting? Wasn't it well worth it?

I mean what kind of faggy little faghead would use xanga anyways?